Zombiepalooza Radio the back story to the Successful creation of Chris Hernandez Children's book "Jack and the Zombie Attack"

Chris and Amy Hernandez walked onto Zombiepalooza Radio for the first time on November 30th, 2012. One of the reasons I asked them to represent their creation was that there kickstarter caught my attention. I enjoyed the presentation and the amount of passion they had for this terrific project. Check out their links below for ideas on how to make your children's book stand out on Kickstarter. They have gone from concept to production and now finally distribution. Watch their success in the links below. This book is ZOMTACULAR , August 24, 2013 By Jackie Chin This review is from: Jack and the Zombie Attack (Hardcover) Zombiepalooza Radio has followed Chris Hernandez from the beginning of his kick starter project through final production of Jack and the Zombie Attack. I am blown away about the amount of care he has placed into everything from the character development, graphics placement, Word usage, font style & use...