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Zombiepalooza Radio 1 Year Strong Friday Nights from 8pm- 1am EST
"Enjoyed being apart of this show and I look forward to doing it again in the future. Not only was I a guest, but I'm a big fan." DJ "Sparky" Bell
Author Paul Flewitt
"Hey guys. So.. I survived the interview, despite the technical difficulties on my end..."
"Thanks again Jackie and GRIM we had a great time talking with you guys last night! Great show , Awesome Station. We are telling everyone we can about you and our oldest daughter downloaded your app last night!"
"Happy 1 year anniversary! Loved being on your show a few months back. Look forward to being on again soon. Sine we talked, our TWD site ( has boomed! Jackie, you are one great radio host and I am honored to have been chosen to be on your show. Best of luck and I know I will be doing this again in 365 days but for year 2."
"OK, the interview's over and it was a blast. I expected to be a lot more nervous, but my wife's skill at bartending saved the day. That was as close to a walk in the park as you can get. Jackie Chin is an outstanding host, and she made it so easy to just let it flow that it really was just like hanging out and shooting the breeze."
"I have just finished my chat on Zombiepalooza radio......Was a great experience for me to just chill and speak to other horror fans from over the pond.......So thank you Jackie Chin for giving me an interview tonight...."
"We wanted to thank Jackie Chin of Zombiepalooza: Dead Again for their support during the 2013 season. Last October you invited us on your amazing Radio Show and started a chain reaction that was a boost to not only our moral but opportunities beyond what we thought might be capable in one year… So for everything you help us accomplish we would like to say
Thank you, Shawn ZRRT"
Thank you, Shawn ZRRT"
"Jackie and James (Dead Door), thanks so much for the fun interview."
"I sure had a great time speaking on Zombie radio. I know I'll be tuning in every Friday."

"I will be joining Chris Polidoro and Tom Savini in the final hour of the show tonight starting at Midnight. I co-wrote the upcoming Tom Savini's Death Island with Tom and I will bringing with me a little surprise! I have a sealed copy of The Nightmare Collection Volume I DVD for Jackie to give away to one of the callers who participates in the show tonight!"
"Greetings all, Andy Wright here owner of and I am looking forward to being on the show this Friday night, Sept. 6th from 11:00 - 12:00 p.m."
"I had a great time doing my interview last night! Thank you for hosting me. It was a fantastic experience. "
"I just wanted to thank you for an amazing interview tonight...Jackie Chin is an amazing host and I had a great sure to check out the show on the podcast in case you missed it and again guys are the best!"
I had a blast being on the show tonight, Jackie! Thanks so much for having me on!"
"Hiya! J. Rudolph here Thanks so much for having me tonight! I had a great time!
Here is the link to The Complex, Book One of the Reanimates!!
Here is the link to The Complex, Book One of the Reanimates!!
"Thanks, Jackie, for a great chat... I wish I had thought to mention during our interview that I am a student at WVSU and several of our Communications student clubs are fund-raising at the event with really cool raffle prizes! Look forward to getting some of our guests together with you on September 20, so please keep in touch! Much love... Rose and Mike @ ShockaCon!"
"Had an awesome time, guys! Great little show. Keep up the great work!"
"Thanks for having me on! Here's a photo about our Guinness World Record breaker attempt of most zombies gathered (we need 8,028 "bodies")... it's called the UnDead Fed, a free all ages event on 9/20 @ 6pm in Scranton, Pa. We ask all attending to register and bring a non-perishable food item for the Scranton Rescue Mission. We have a and website:"
"Thanks again for having me on the show tonight. What a blast! Anytime you want me to come on I'd be delighted to do it!"
"We had a blast on the show tonight! We will definitely come back and check-in in October. In the meantime, visit often to keep up with what the Squirts are doing! We will be listening to Zombiepalooza every Friday night!! "
"I was just on ZOMBIEPALOOZA! You can find out more information on me and my projects by visiting these links! christybradshawfanpage?ref=hl
http:// www.environmentalpresence.blogs
and send an email to in the subject line type in BRING ENVIRONMENTAL PRESENCE TO TELEVISION! Thanks so much!"
and send an email to in the subject line type in BRING ENVIRONMENTAL PRESENCE TO TELEVISION! Thanks so much!"
"I just had a wonderful time with James and Jackie on Zombiepalooza Radio! Thank you for having me!"
"Tomorrow night I'm going on Zombie Palooza w/my friend, Jackie Chin! such an amazing lady that is allowing me to reach out through her show to share about the "Hugs from Heaven to Oklahoma" Project that gives the children in the tornado affected areas of Oklahoma, a Bear to Hug of their own! As well as gift cards for those affected! I am doing this because I felt the need to get these "hugs" to these kids that have been through a rough end of School. My oldest daughter lost 6 of her old classmates & now I REALLY feel the need to get these Bears out now!"
"Had a blast on the show! Jackie Chin was a great host! The hour just flew by! I would gladly come on again anytime she would have me."
"I had the honor to comment in a interview for Jackie Chin in the Trib Today newspaper , printed today in the Sunday Tribune for Zombiepalooza: Dead Again . Check it out !!! proud of her !!!"
Zombiepalooza Radio Tribune Chronicle Ohio
I'm an Active Duty Army soldier and I wrote the book over the course of a deployment in Iraq and after work at the Pentagon once I redeployed. GNASH is available for Kindle and in print format on"
Link to buy GNASH: GNASH-ebook/dp/B00CS7O54U/ ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UT F8&qid=1373468909&sr=1-1&keywo rds=gnash
"Just sent an email your way! Excited to be on the show and chat about some zombies" MarkCScioneaux
"Jackie, I really enjoyed our time together on ztalkradio's "Zombiepalooza Radio." Thank you so much for having me on!"
"THANK YOU SO MUCH for having me on tonight. Everyone can find us on and if you want to know what to expect, you can buy Joe McKinney's book here, ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_15?url=search- alias%3Daps&field-keywords=dea d+city+joe+mckinney&sprefix=de ad+city+joe+m%2Caps%2C181&rh=i %3Aaps%2Ck%3Adead+city+joe+mck inney"
"Hi Zombiepalooza, I wanted to take the time to send out a BIG thanks to Jackie and her crew to host myself, my co-writer and Mike Mundy on Firday's show to help up us get more exposure for Black DayZ. I look forward to our next interview once Kickstarter promo is up and running. Can't wait to give our fans a taste of what's to come. KUDOS !!! Jackie Chin"
"Thanks again for having me on the show, Jackie. Hope your listeners enjoyed the hour! For those who might not have caught the link to my website:
I encourage folks to sign up for my newsletter for updates on new releases, special pricing and giveaways, signings and appearances.
"Jackie, had a great time on your show tonight. Below is the link for "Red Circus: A Dark Collection," where the "too disturbing to print" story WHITE OUT can be found.. Red-Circus-Dark-Collection-eboo k/dp/B005PTYGR4/ ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UT F8&qid=1320615436&sr=1-1"
"GUESS WHO'S GONNA BE ON THE SHOW THIS FRIDAY!! I'm so excited about this! Friday at midnight I will have the pleasure of joining you guys! If you have any questions or want to give a shout out or show some love, please join us!!"
"Hello, Zombiepalooza Gang! I'm Mark McLaughlin, author of BEACH BLANKET ZOMBIE, and Friday, March 22, I'll be back on the show to talk about a new Lovecraftian book I have coming up! And of course, I'll talk about zombies, too -- can't forget the zombies! And, I'll also be bringing my frequent collaborator, Michael McCarty -- Mike and I wrote the novel MONSTER BEHIND THE WHEEL together, and that has loads of zombies in it. More information is forthcoming, so stay tuned to this Facebook page! Thanks!"
"Thanks so much for having me! if anybody wants to chat TWD come like my page. "
"I want to thank you guys for having CALM and Zombie Walk Lebanonon your radio show. It has really helped people to find us! Great show! Great people!"
"Six Feet From Hell: Books 1-3 is #21 on the Hot New Releases for Horror on Amazon! Special thanks to Jackie Chin and Zombiepalooza: Dead Again for doing my interview; sales were immediately up and have stayed that way for some time now. I have been in the Top 100 Horror since then. Thank you!"
"Great show! Thanks for having Zombie Hunters, Inc. on to get the word out."
"I really can not say thank you enough. The coverage that all you guys have been giving us makes us legit."
"Be sure to check out tonight's show with me and some of my favorite Face Off cast mates!"
"Geting my Zombie on tonight !! ZTalkRadio Network Zombiepalooza: Dead Again covering the new book by TL Decay PIERCING DEAD ftZombie Response Racing Team and your one and only Zomb'G & the wikkid witch of the underworld Velma Giggle Wink"
"Hi Hi
Velma Giggle Wink here. Gonna be on the show tonight talking about this awesome book that TL Decay wrote, that I am doing the cover art for. I am pretty much the gore queen when it comes to graphics but I do lots of other nifty stuff to! If you got the time then come check out my company site at http:// freereigninspirationanddesign.w My latest thing is teaching everyone to make there very own ZOMBIES! You can do it! I know you can! Plus I make it SUPER easy!"
"On Friday, February 22, I will be a guest on the Zombiepalooza: Dead Again radio show from 9 - 10 pm. I'll be talking about books, zombies, my time with the fire department and probably all kinds of things. This will be my first radio interview so I'm REALLY excited to be taking part in the show. Be sure to stick around for the other guests as well. I hope you guys will tune in and listen to my rambles. With any luck, they'll make sense!"
"let me know when you want me back on i had a blast last time!"
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